Wheels on the bus
Appropriate Population:
- Preschool, school age.
- Using words to talk.
- Could also adapt this activity for a non-speaking child, and use an AAC device for naming items and increasing vocabulary.
- Increase awareness of plural -s.
- Use plural -s appropriately within household routines to name common household objects.
- Using correct grammar structures on an AAC device.
- Increasing vocabulary. (Everyday- around the house)
- Bring up the youtube video of the wheels on the bus. If there are a few videos that would be suitable let the client choose which one they want to use.
- Sing the song all the way through. You can include actions and moving the clients arms or hands for sensory input if they enjoy this.
- Start introducing pause into the song. Pause just before the second or third repeat of the plural. E.g “the babies on the bus go wah wah wah the…………..Babies on the bus… “ You want to pause expectantly (lean forward, eyebrows raised) and look at the child. Wait until they give you some form of communication, it could be a smile, or leaning forward or laughing. Then say the plural word, with a lot of emphasis and energy
- Each time you repeat this, wait until you get a little bit more from your client. Eventually you want them to be saying the plural word independently when you pause.
Step up:
- Have the child lead more of the song.
- Include more pauses.
- Have the child repeat two words (article and plural) rather than just the plural e.g the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish…….(pause)…”
Step down:
- If the client is becoming distracted by the video or the pause/play element of this activity, you can do it without and sing instead
- Youtube (or just sing)
Fora's Speech Pathology team