Therapy Activity

Simon’s cat youtube videos

Last Updated: 15 August 2023

Appropriate Population:

  • 4 years and up
  • Moderate or mild delay or age-appropriate cognitive and language abilities

Goal: Identifying others’ emotions

  •  Identifying others’ thoughts
  • Perspective-taking
  • Problem solving
  • Responding to others’ social cues


  1. Choose an appropriate Simon’s cat video. The characters in the videos are all non-verbal but very expressive and are great for working on identifying non-verbal cues.  
  2. Discuss what each character feels in each scene and what clues tell you they feel that way (ie, facial expressions, body language, external factors).
  3. If applicable, discuss how the character should respond to the other character’s social cues and feelings.


  • Discuss why the character is feeling a specific emotion. 

Step down:

  • Provide more support for steps 2 and 3 



Fora's Speech Pathology team


Fora's Speech Pathology team

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