Therapy Activity

Preparing for the weekend

Last Updated: 15 August 2023

Appropriate Population: 

  • School-age (or slightly below)



  • Identify and use future tense correctly.
  • Use future tense to talk about upcoming events



  1. Explain that you will be talking about things that are going to happen in the future. Explain that when you talk about something that is going to happen. You have to add a word in front of the “doing word”.
  2. Demonstrate examples of this from the child’s routine. Begin with just one auxiliary and give lots of examples.  I.e On Tuesday you will go to school. On Wednesday you will go swimming. 
  3. Have the child repeat after you the phrases. Then ask them, to tell you what happens on X day?  Encourage them to use the sentence structure that you have just practiced together.


Step up: 

  • Switch roles and have the child list off verbs, you can identify whether they are good (regular past tense) or silly (irregular past tense with regular -ed applied). 


Step down:

  • Go back and repeat step 1. Talk about past tense regular verbs in different ways to keep the child engaged. 
Fora's Speech Pathology team


Fora's Speech Pathology team

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