How many hours do I need to work per week?
The number of hours you’re likely to work depends on each individual client.
Clients typically have a 1.5-hour minimum session time, and some have a 2-hour minimum. Please ask us if you’re not sure what your client has.
So if you are working with 1 client, your minimum hours per week would be 1.5 or 2 hours. Make sure you’re reminding them that if they want sessions shorter than their minimum, they’ll still be charged according to their minimum.
You are expected to work with each client long-term (ideally more than 6 months), as often it takes a month or two to get familiar with the individual and their therapy routine.
If you would like more hours you can elect to take on more clients. But is essential that you don’t over-commit or promise to work with clients when you don’t think you could commit to working with them for at least 6 months.