Therapy Activity

What can you infer?

Last Updated: 15 August 2023

Appropriate Population: 

  • 4 years and up
  • Mild delay or age-appropriate cognitive and language abilities



  • Answering inference questions
  • Building vocabulary 
  • Perspective taking



  1. Select an image which is appropriate for discussing inference at your client’s skill level. 
  2. Ask your client inference questions about the image
    • What is he/she feeling?
    • Why do they feel that way?
    • What are they going to do next? Why?
    • What could they have been doing before this?


Step up: 

  • Select images with multiple people/activities happening. 


Step down:

  • Provide more support and scaffolding. 
  • Select an image with a single person.



Inference Images from (

Fora's Speech Pathology team


Fora's Speech Pathology team

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