Short animated videos
Appropriate Population:
- School-age (5 years and up)
- Mild delay or age-appropriate cognitive and language abilities
- Identifying clues for inferencing
- Answering inference questions
- Perspective Taking
- Choose an appropriate video from the inferencing video list.
- Watch the video with your client and pause the video at various appropriate intervals and ask an inference question.
- Identify clues in the video which can help answer the question.
- Identify information which the client knows (background knowledge) to help answer the question.
- Answer the inference question.
- For example
- Inference question: Why is the boy upset at his sister?
- Clues from the video: The boy has his backpack on and is wearing his school uniform. The sister is in her PJs. The boy is looking at his watch.
- Information that we know from this: Backpack on + wearing school uniform= The boy is ready to go to school. The sister in her PJs= the sister is not ready for school. The boy looking at his watch= the boy might be worried he would be late.
- Answer: The boy is upset at his sister because he is worried that his sister might make him late for school.
- Repeat these steps to work on more inference questions in the video.
Step up:
- Provide less support to your client when answering the questions.
Step down:
- Provide more support and scaffolding.
- Snack Attack- an old lady just wants to eat her cookies in peace at the train station
- Example inference questions:
- 1:05 Why is the grandma ramming her body into the vending machine?
- 1:25 Why is the grandma happy?
- 1:43 Why did the grandma put the cookies on her lap?
- 2:10 Why is the grandma so angry?
- 2:15 Why did the grandma pull out the man’s earphone plug?
- 2:31 Why does the grandma look so sad?
- 4:04 What was the grandma feeling at the end of the story? Why was she feeling that way?
- The Present- A boy, who spends all his time playing video games, is given a special present by his mum
- Example inference questions:
- 0:32 Why is the boy annoyed at his mum?
- 1:10 Why doesn’t the boy like the dog?
- 2:58 Why is the boy going outside?
- 3:23 (end of story) Why did the mum get the boy a present?
- For the birds– A group of birds sitting on a powerline are visited by an unwanted visitor
- Example inference questions:
- 0:39 Why did the first bird peck at the second bird?
- 1:10 What are the little birds doing? Why are they behaving like that?
- 1:36 What did the big bird do? Why did it do that?
- 2:01 Why are the little birds pecking at the big bird’s claws?
- 2:24 What do you think the little birds are saying? Why are they trying to stop the 2 little birds from pecking at the big bird’s claws now?
- 2:44 Why is the little bird naked/featherless?
- Simon’s cat videos– These non-verbal videos about a cat’s life are great for working on non-verbal inference skills. (
- More videos:
Fora's Speech Pathology team